
Meet the Team

Indie Game Creators

A group of crazy creatives just out here trying to make the best games ever!


James Schilz

  • 10 Years working inside Unity 
  • 10 years c# Programming
  • 1 year Blender
  • 1 Game Released : Maze Madness 2018

After an Injury left me unable to walk, I had to learn something new to make a living as I no longer could do what I had been doing the last 20 years. While laid up in bed for a year, I did what any sane person would do, what else but play video games. During this time I started hosting Servers for MultiPlayer games and growing a community to over 5000 under the name SynGaming. While doing this I noticed a lot of issues with Mechanics and Gameplay issues that players had and that could be(i thought) easily rectified if people took the time to see it as a player. I figured I can do better. So over the next 10 years I began to self teach myself everything I could to create my first game. I released it in 2018 as just something to see the process from start to finish, not meaning to sell but to learn from and see what I needed to move forward. Trying to get people together to work with to help strengthen my weaker areas (ART and MODELING) I struggled finding people who had my drive or willingness to learn and create as a team and collaborate. When I did find talent, and because I’m greedy in this way, I refused to let them get away and found more till we were able to come together and start Crazy Carrot Studios. From here we continue to grow and learn while maintaining a fun and High Standard for the work we do.